cyanide laced tears

this can be a secret, we can keep it good
home - docs

welcome to my site... this is where i write freely without worry that people from my real life will find it.

my online home is supposed to be free of the assholes in my real life, and my online activities have seeped through to my real life various times. it is a reminder that no where is safe and i can never have my own space to myself without the rude inturruption of anyone in my real life who's wrath i may feel.

until now... this site is free of the intrusive noseyness of people who want to control me. i no longer should tip toe about what i say. i don't have a distortionist (see: ghost and pals song) breathing down my neck about what i say. unlike them, i do not twist the truth to make i or anyone else look like the bad guy. i spew straight from the memory banks. i have no ill intent when i speak; but i shouldn't expect them to think i'm being truthful. because in their mind, they distort the story to make who and what the good guy or the bad guy. i would expect them to project

main site

my main site will be linked here but here won't be linked there
